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Mechi’s experience in drainage likewise his speeches on the general subject of agricultureLondon : longman, Brown, Green and Longman, 1848, IX + 92 p.
A lecture delivered at the chelmsford literary institute by I. J. MECHIof Tiptree Hall, déc. 1852
Longman, 1852, 28 p.
Copy of a paper on the subject of British agriculture read before the Society of arts by J. J. Mechi, nov. 1850, 31 p.
A second paper on British agriculture, with an account of his own operations at Tiptree Hall farm read before the Society of Arts, manufactures and commerce, by I. J. Mechi, déc. 18512nde édition
London : Longmans, Brown, 1852, 48 p.
A third paper on British agriculture with some account of his own operations at Tiptree Hall farm read before the Society of Arts, manufactures and commerce, by J. J. Mechi, déc. 1853
London : Derling, 1853, 23 p.
- A fourth paper on British agriculture with some account of his own operations at Tiptree Hall farm / I. J. Mechi, déc. 1854, 11 p.
- Copy of paper on the application of town sewage to agricultural fertilization / I. J. Mechi, nov. 1854, 12 p.
- Experimental investigation into the amount of water given off by plants during their growth.London : W. Clowes, 1850, 21 p.
- The fixation and source of their various constituents by J. B. Lawes of RothamsteadLondon : W. Clowes, 1850, 28 p. + 3 pl.
- On agricultural chemistry especially in relation to the mineral theory of baron Liebig by J. B. Lawes and J. H. Gilbert. London : W. Clowes, 1851, 41 p. + 2 pl.
- Report of experiments on the comparative fattening qualities of different breeds of sheep /J. B. Lawes. London : William Clowes, 1852, 34 p.
- Report of experiments on the comparative fattening qualities of different breeds of sheep / J. B. Lawes. London : William Clowes, 1852, 21 p.
- On the composition of foods in relation to respiration and the feeding of animals / J. B. Lawes et J. H. Gilbert. London : Taylor and Francis, 1853, 33 p.
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