Collections partenaires > Patrimoines partagés > France aux Amériques > National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)

Collection de documents illustrant les relations entre la France et les Amériques (NARA)

Cote : 299807 
Agreement to Pay France for the Louisiana Purchase
texte. papier
Fonds produit par : États-Unis (1789- )
National Archives at Washington, DC - Textual Reference (RDT1)

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Présentation du contenu

The Louisiana Purchase consists of three separate agreements between the United States and France: a treaty of cession and two agreements providing for the exchange of monies in the transaction. This item is the French exchange copy of the agreement providing for the payment of 60 million francs by the United States to France. It was signed by the future Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and his Foreign Minister, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord.

Documents de substitution

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